Minnesotans with chronic illnesses, disabilities, or any individual who needs medical assistance are welcome to our waiver programs. Our waiver programs include, but are not limited to:
Personal Care Services
- Adult day services
- Companion services
- Home health aides
- Personal care assistance
- Adult day care/Adult day care bath
- Homemaker services
- Extended personal care assistance
- Nutrition services
- Home-delivered meals
Skilled Care Services
- Case management and case management aide
- Skilled nursing visits
- Assistance with specialized equipment and supplies
- 24-hour emergency assistance
- Personal emergency response systems
- Independent living skills training
- Independent living skills therapies
- Extended home health aide and nursing
- Extended home health therapies
- Extended private duty nursing
- Family training and counseling
Transportation Services
- Transportation to appointments
- Home and vehicle modifications
- Non-medical transportation
Respite Services
- Crisis respite
- Family caregiver support services, including respite
Safety and Security Services
- Housing access coordination
- Night supervision
- Environmental accessibility adaptations
Housing Stabilization Services
- Housing Transitioning
- Housing Sustaining
For more information about our waiver programs, call us at 612-200-0858. We would be happy to discuss it with you today.